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Breaking Free from Dependency Exploring 3 Cognitive Biases That Limits Our Options

Breaking Free from Dependency: Exploring 3 Cognitive Biases That Limits Our Options

Recently, one of my twitter accounts was suspended and I have received the following violation message “You may not use Twitter’s services in a manner intended to artificially amplify or suppress information or engage in behavior that manipulates or disrupts people’s experience on Twitter”.

The thing is I have been using this account for over a few months now mainly for engaging with my crypto projects and friends. In fact, the account is connected to many web3 platforms that will negatively affect my activities and portfolio if the suspension took a longer period of time.


Bridging the Gap Between Intention and Action: The Importance of Understanding Our Emotions and Biases

If you have read my recent book, The Brand Dependence Model: Identify and Mitigate Your Danger Blocks, you would have come across the second part, which discusses the basics of behavioral economics and how our different biases and heuristics contribute dramatically to our daily behaviors and decisions.

In this article, I will introduce a critical subject from my upcoming book which is based on my article titled “Rebranding our Mindset” that was published in the Middle East Business Magazine & News.

Have you ever intended to accomplish something and then failed to achieve it? It’s really common, right? Imagine an individual intends to eat healthy food but ends up ordering fast food for lunch every day. Despite their intention to eat healthy, the convenience of fast food and their busy schedule prevents them from making healthier food choices.
