The Brand Dependence Model, Identify & Mitigate Your Danger Blocks.
The world’s first model to identify and mitigate overlooked dependence variables.
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One challenge that all types of brands experience, whether corporate, product, service, or personal, is their reliance on a wide range of variables, either tangible like cash, equipment, and stocks or intangible like patents, leadership, and brand image, which can expose the brand to a danger zone in which the negative presence and performance of one or more variables can directly harm the brand’s core existence.
While the idea seems simple and straightforward, the concept of how many brands depend on other variables to survive their life cycle is ignored by most professionals. The level of dependence is a crucial factor to consider especially in the current disruptive era, as what we depend on today might become outdated or no longer effective tomorrow.
The book proposes the first Brand Dependence Model (BDM), a simple yet effective methodology for identifying and mitigating the most severe overlooked variable/s (Referred to as Danger Block/s) and their dependencies that employs a step-by-step risk assessment framework.
It draws the audience on a journey from recognizing their brain capacity and limitations to introducing a new method for dealing with future disruptions. The book has a whole section dedicated to the fundamentals and significance of behavioral economics, as well as three distinct case studies with downloadable workflow materials that allow the reader to practice the model and apply it to their own life objectives and brands.
I have been in contact with Ahmed Al Ansari, an extraordinary gifted Young Man who is well known in the Media & Marketing Consulting industry. Not only through hands-on-experience, but he has matriculated and graduated at the level of a Master’s degree, along with Awards of Distinction; Degrees in IT, and numerous certifications in Behavioral Science for Brands along with Behavioral Economics. I have been impressed at his endless hunger for researching and his prolific ability to communicate in an astonishing form. This also include his ability of being fluent in three languages. But I am awestruck by what assiduous attention that he has poured in to this literary canon of a masterpiece.
Why This Is Different:
From reading this work of art, I found out something that I did not know about myself. I will be 70 years old next year, and some might find it surprising that I would say this. But from carefully reading this book for its true interpretation, I have found that I have made MANY decisions for the WRONG REASONS. After over 48 years in IT, I felt that ALL of my thinking was very analytical, and rational. Reading this book, I found that, “A habit is characterized as an automatic reaction to certain environmental stimuli in an unconscious state.” In every moment of the day, we are faced with so many decisions, and each one is accompanied with HIDDEN biases. Due to those biases we overlook many critical elements that we often ignore or blindly depend on. The instruction in this book will make it so clear for you to see.
He states that, “It is important to understand that no matter how rational we love to believe that we are, sadly we are not. In reality we are much more biased and emotively driven than we like to think we are.” So much for my analytical thinking, and rational actions. While the book is intended to introduce a simple but efficient model for identifying and mitigating the variables on which we rely on a daily basis, it also includes an entire section on behavioral economics, which uses an understanding of human psychology to account for why people deviate from rational action when making decisions.
Why This Book is Quintessential:
After over 48 years of being in IT, and managerially involved with Boeing Computer Services, Vanguard Technologies, Computer Associates, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Bell Atlantic/Verizon, Northrop Grumman, Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Disney, Amtrak, and others, I have never experienced such an awakening as I did from reading this material. This book should be a requirement in Business Strategy & Brand Management. They make it Mind Blowing Simple to identify overlooked dependence variables in the form of an interconnected chain of blocks and build contingency plans for each Danger Block/s (a representation of the most severe variables) by using their dependence model. In my years of keeping up with technology, I have resulted to studying books, “Whatever the Application for Dummies.” This book is less than 125 pages, and it puts the books that I have read for Dummies, to shame. If You want to know YOU better, I highly recommend this book. You receive three distinct case studies with downloadable workflow materials that allow the reader to practice the model and apply it to their own life objectives and brands. Through their Business Modeling process along with the methodology and principles of Artificial Intelligence (AI), You will learn how and why you make your decision, as well as how to develop and apply modeling to determine if you made the best decision at that particular time.


The world’s first model to identify and mitigate overlooked dependence variables.

Employs a simple yet efficient step-by-step gamified workflow to assist corporate/product/service brands or individuals assess their goals and milestones.

An entire bonus part dedicated to understanding our brains’ capabilities and limitations via the lens of behavioral economics.

Three distinct scenarios with downloadable workflow materials to assist the reader grasp the framework and use the model for their own brands or individual goals.
How It all Began
We were examining the various factors that led great brands such Atari, Blockbuster, Nokia, or Toys r Us to pull back or fail the test of time, trying to find out how those brands were so powerful but struggled to hold their iconic seats in a disruptive marketplace. While reading a lot of books and papers on the subject, we noticed that the same mistakes are made over and over again, not because of a lack of funds or expertise as most of people may assume, but often because we have some habits that we are unable to change or that we overlook certain key elements that we consider superficial or unimportant.
This led us delving further into the subject’s behavioral dimension and studying the theories and practices of Behavioral Economics from a stakeholder perspective in order to understand how our brain copes with the various decisions and actions in our everyday lives. By understanding how our brain is affected by various heuristics and biases, and how we are mostly driven on an emotional level, it was feasible enough to assume that people may overlook or ignore certain important variables even if they are experts in their fields or have a high degree of confidence in what they have decided or acted upon.
Consider what happened to Forte Night after Apple chose to ban it from the app store because Epic Games attempted to sell its digital assets without utilizing Apple Pay! Epic did not see this coming, and they were unaware of how dependent they were on the app store until it happened. Such scenarios happens all the time as we rely on many variables that we are usually unaware of or simply overlook, only to be surprised by the extent of their impact on our brand or life in general.
We rely on many variables that we are usually unaware of or simply overlook, only to be surprised by the extent of their impact on our brand or life in general.
Ahmed Alansari & Hamza Al Ghatam
In this book, marketing consultants, Ahmed Al Ansari & Hamza Al Ghatam propose the first Brand Dependence Model (BDM), a simple yet effective methodology for identifying and mitigating overlooked variables and their dependencies for all types of brands. The model is solely based on intuitions and assumptions, and it provides a simple step-by-step gamified risk assessment framework for identifying and mitigating the most dangerous variables referred to as Danger Blocks in the model.
In addition, the book will show how the model can also be used to the benefit of individuals, enabling them to identify, assess, and mitigate dependence variables for personal goals and milestones. A case-study approach is adopted with downloadable workflow materials, which enables the reader to quickly understand the steps described, so that they can apply these to their own situation.
The model outlined in this book provides an eminently usable framework that can assist both individuals and brands in identifying and mitigating their overlooked dependence variables.
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Workflow Materials
If you already purchase the book, download the workflow materials to get access to all of the figures/tables and templates you’ll need to follow up on the scenarios in the book or utilize those templates for your own projects.
The book introduces The Brand Dependence Model, an eminently usable framework that can assist both individuals and brands in identifying and mitigating their overlooked dependence variables.
Its the world’s first model to identify and mitigate overlooked dependence variables.
It employs a simple yet efficient step-by-step gamified workflow to assist corporate/product/service brands or individuals assess their goals and milestones.
It has an entire bonus part dedicated to understanding our brains’ capabilities and limitations via the lens of behavioral economics.
The model is demonstrated by utilizing three distinct scenarios with downloadable workflow materials to assist the reader grasp the framework and use the model for their own brands or individual goals.
Marketers, brand managers, directors, business developers, decision makers, and individuals interested in understanding the fundamentals of behavioral economics and employing a simplified model to help them identify and mitigate their Danger Blocks! (dangerous overlooked variables on which they rely) by establishing contingency plans for those blocks that may affect the brand’s core existence or the individual goal in mind.
The book will be available on the world’s main online stores and book libraries, beginning with Amazon KDP, Rakuten Kobo and expanding to include more.
The digital edition will be available from all of the aforementioned sellers, and the paperback version will be available from Amazon KDP.
The book price is set to be reasonable since the goal of this book is to spread knowledge rather than to generate a profit.
eBook price is $2.99, while paperback price is $14.99. (Excluding VAT on some platforms)
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